Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Perfect Day... Week

I love today! To start off, I had an amazing time with my friends, and a guy in my math class said " I love you, you're a true buddy" (: That was what made my day. Haha. But I mean so far this week it's been perfect. I love it! I love how on Tuesday, we played a game and my team looked at me and one of them said "You're the smartest one here" even though I didnt know the answers... But we got 2nd place! On Monday, these guys were surrounding me and one of them kept looking at me... Yeah it was awkward. The worst was when people look at me for awhile I smile... Yeah and he's my friends boyfriend. But I know he was just doing it to be nice. I have to say I love when people give me attention.  I don't really get as much attention so it was nice that it changed up. Hopefully it goes like this from now on... maybe?

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